
Recent Publication


Bialka, C. S., Hansen, N., Kan, I., Mackintosh, D., & Jacobson, R. (2024). From deficit to difference: understanding the relationship between K-12 teacher training and disability discussion. AERA Open, 10,

Selected Recent Publications

Bialka, C. S., Hansen, N., Kan, I., Mackintosh, D., & Jacobson, R. (2024). From deficit to difference: understanding the relationship between K-12 teacher training and disability discussion. AERA Open, 10,

Hansen, N., Bialka, C.S., Wong, S.J., & Gamerman, T. (2024). “Learning on the job”: an exploration of teacher educators’ training and comfort with anti-ableist disability discussion. Teaching and Teacher Education, 140,

Hansen, N., Kan, I., Bialka, C.S., & Lundell, A. (2023). Are teachers talking about disability?: An investigation of factors associated with discussion in PK-12 classrooms. International Journal of Disability, Development, and Education.

Bialka, C.S., Hansen, N., & Wong, S. J. (2023). Erasure or empowerment?: how pre-service teachers address disability when using children’s literature. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 36(2).

Hansen, N., Bialka, C.S., & Wong, S. (2022). Reading literature about disabled children and adolescents: a window into PSTs' emerging understanding of disability. Journal of Education for Teaching, 49(4).

Zappala, C.*, & Hansen, N. (2021). The absence of resources for teaching mathematics to students with autism: implications for teachers. The New Jersey Mathematics Teacher Journal, 79(1).

Hassinger-Das, B., Zosh, J. M., Hansen, N., Talarowski, M., Zmich, K., Golinkoff, R. M., & Hirsh-Pasek, K. (2020). Play-and-Learn spaces: Leveraging library spaces to promote play and learning. Library & Information Science Research, 42(1).

Rodrigues, J., Jordan, N. C., & Hansen, N. (2019). Identifying fraction measures as screeners of mathematics risk status. Journal of Learning Disabilities 52(6), 480-497.

Bialka, C. S., Hansen, N., & Wong, S. J. (2019). Breaking the cycle: Preparing pre-service teachers for disability related discussions. Teacher Education and Special Education, 42(2), 147-160.

Hansen, N., Rodrigues, J., & Kane, B.* (2019). Opportunities for students with learning disabilities to develop representational ability with fractions: A textbook analysis. The New Jersey Mathematics Teacher, 77 (1).

Hansen, N., Rinne, L. F., Jordan, N. C., Ye, A., Resnick, I., & Rodrigues, J. (2017). Co-development of fraction magnitude knowledge and mathematics achievement from fourth through sixth grade. Learning and Individual Differences, 60, 18-42.

Rodrigues, J., Dyson, N., Hansen, N., & Jordan, N. C. (2017). Preparing for algebra by building fraction sense. Teaching Exceptional Children, 49(2), 134-141.

Bailey, D.H., Hansen, N., & Jordan, N. C. (2017). The co-development of children’s fraction arithmetic skill and fraction magnitude understanding. Journal of Educational Psychology, 109(4), 509-519.

Hansen, N., Jordan, N. C., & Rodrigues, J. (2017). Identifying learning difficulties with fractions: a longitudinal study of student growth from third through sixth grade. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 50, 45-59.

Jordan, N. C., Resnick, I., & Rodrigues, J., Hansen, N., & Dyson, N. (2017). The Delaware longitudinal study of fraction learning: Implications for helping children with mathematics learning difficulties. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 50(6), 621-630.

Resnick, I., Jordan, N. C., Hansen, N., Rajan, V., Rodrigues, J., Siegler, R. S., & Fuchs, L. S. (2016). Developmental growth trajectories in understanding of fraction magnitude from fourth through sixth grade. Developmental Psychology, 52(5), 746-757.

Ye, A., Resnick, I., Hansen, N., Rodrigues, J., Rinne, L., & Jordan, N.C. (2016). Pathways to fraction learning: numerical abilities mediate the relation between early cognitive competencies and later fraction knowledge. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 152, 242-263.

Hansen, N., Jordan, N. C., Siegler, R. S., Fernandez, E., Gersten, R., Fuchs, L., & Micklos, D. (2015). General and math-specific predictors of sixth-graders’ knowledge of fractions. Cognitive Development, 35, 34-49.

Jordan, N. C., Hansen, N., Fuchs, L., Siegler, R. S., Gersten, R., & Micklos, D. (2013). Developmental predictors of fraction concepts and procedures. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 116(1), 45-58.